Don't Chase The Money

Chasing money is what keeps us from experiencing the ongoing natural state of abundance. The need to chase after money is not a reflection of how things really are: it’s a scarcity point of view we create. It’s the place we function from when we tell ourselves: “I don’t have enough. I never have enough. No matter what happens, I will never have enough.”

When we chase money, we cut ourselves off from the infinite possibilities that are available to us. Please don't chase the money, let money chase you!

When you are chasing money you are operating within the limitations of this reality. You reject what you could have. You function with far less power, ability, joy, fun and money than you could have.

If you think that you have to work hard in order to have money and you don't have a sense of ease with it, then you will constantly create that hard work and lack of ease as your reality. Don’t chase the money, chase the dream and money will follow!

How to Generate Wealth Beyond Your Job

Generating wealth beyond your current job never crosses the minds of most people. They are focused on looking for the right job that will provide them just enough money to survive short term with steady paychecks, and never ask ‘What else is possible?’

How about you? An income from your current job, no matter how large and substantial, doesn't necessarily equate to wealth. If you are not financially aware and if you don’t know what you can do with the money you have, you will never become truly wealthy.


Do you believe you have what it takes to be wealthy?

Your current financial reality is the reflection of your points of view about wealth, money and finance.

For example, if you believe that you have to work hard in order to have money and you don’t have a sense of ease with having money, then you will constantly create that as your life. In truth, when you allow yourself to be bound to your current job (whether it be salaried, stay at home, self-employed or any other combination), you are limiting your capacity to generate greater wealth.

If this is the situation you are finding yourself in, there are some things you can do to change and create different possibilities. To escape the drudgery of living pay check to pay check, and the trap of the financial hamster wheel, you first need to be aware of your points of view that have prevented you from being abundantly wealthy, and be willing to change those points of view. Without such awareness, you’ll only be applying short-term solutions. There will be no real change.

Here are four strategies to generate wealth beyond your job

1. Change your point of view about money and wealth. Generating true wealth begins with your mindset and the way you think about finance and about making money. Are you willing to see that trying to change your financial reality will be ineffective, until you change your points of view? If you don’t believe that you can generate wealth and have a thriving financial future then you won’t create it.

2. Knowing what you would like to create as your future. Everything you do creates your future. It is essential to be aware of what you would like to create as your life and your financial future. Once you know this, you will start to generate what is required to create your financial future. Ask yourself: “What are you creating? Are you happy to just work hard for your money? What do you really want to create as your future? Where do you see yourself being in 5 years’ and 10 years’ time? What would you like to achieve? By asking these questions, you will become aware of the information you require in order to achieve a thriving financial future.

3. Understand Finance. If you wish to create the wealth you desire, it is essential to educate yourself about money and finance. Educate yourself about what having money is and to be aware of your money situation. Do you have a clear picture of your personal financial position? The first thing you need to do is find out how much money you have, how much you owe, how much you spend, and how much you need to generate each month. You must know what it costs you to live the life you desire, so you can see what kind of money will be required to be generated. This is about looking at how things really are, instead of how you would like them to be.

4. Develop multiple revenue streams doing something that you love and enjoy. The people who love what they do and do it because it brings them joy are the ones who will make money at it. Please get that the energy you create from, is what creates and generates your life. So, do you know what it is that you enjoy doing the most? Become aware of the things that you are good at. It’s very important to be good at what you love to do if you would like to make money from it.

If you are interested in generating wealth then check this out

The most powerful influence: Your points of view

Your points of view are the things that ground you in your reality and are the basis upon which your life is created. They are the most powerful influence in your life. Your points of view about money may be positive or negative, conscious or unconscious or anti-conscious, turbulent or harmonious, energizing or draining etc.. Think about it for a few minutes…I invite you to reflect on what are the dominant points of view present in your life in regard to money? And more importantly, what would you like it to be?


Please reflect on how you spend a typical day in conjunction with money. What are you doing and thinking in relation to money? Are you working hard for it, spending it, worrying about not having enough of it, planning what to do with it, or avoiding thinking about it? Your perception and your points of view are you, so the more downbeat and self-defeating points of view you have about you, the less successful you will be.

So, observe … What points of view, judgments, and emotions do you have when you think of money? What is money to you? (When you think about money, what are your first thoughts?) Be honest with yourself. Be honest about what emotion you are feeling. It will do you no good to do this exercise unless you answer truthfully.

The following are negative common points of view that can tie you up in personal conflict. See if you identify with them.

  • Making money is just too difficult.

  • Money only comes from hard work.

  • Money causes fighting and unhappiness.

  • Money is in short supply.

  • Money is a big responsibility.

  • Money is filthy and dirty.

  • There is a limit to how much I can earn.

  • I just don’t like to think about money.

  • I am just not good with money.

  • I cannot handle or manage money well.

  • I do not have unique talents or abilities.

  • I cannot change my predetermined fate.

  • I’m not good enough to make money.

  • I cannot do what I love because it does not pay well.

  • I can only earn more when I put in more hours at work.

  • I need lots of money first to make more money.

  • I can’t charge that much…..I can’t charge more than my competitor.

  • I am never lucky.

  • Miracles rarely or never happen to me.

  • Only dreamers think they can get rich but I am a realist.

  • It is difficult to make money from my investments.

  • To make money, I have to have a great job with a high salary.

  • The cost of living is so high that it is impossible to keep up.

  • There is only so much of the millionaire pie to go around.

  • Life is meant to be a struggle, not a breeze.

  • It's not right to have a lot of money.

  • It’s hard to have multiple sources of income coming in, other than from my job.

  • It is best not to earn too much because I don’t want to pay more in tax

  • It is just too difficult to get ahead based on my lack of academic qualifications.

  • If only I had enough money, then I would be much happier.

It's important that you are aware of what your assumptions and definitions of money are, since you're bringing money to yourself with your conscious awareness. Have you ever had the above points of view about money?  These judgments, thoughts, feelings, and emotions are the major reasons that you have unconsciously repelled money and wealth. It is critical for you to truly perceive this truth.

What did you deny the ability to create that if you didn’t buy that point of view, would create more than you could possibly imagine? 

How many points of view about the problems of money have you bought that keeps you from having everything you desire?  What are the assumptions and limiting beliefs you function from in life? These have created your financial destiny and your financial world. Are you willing to see that there is more to life, and in fact, life is easy if you choose it to be that way?

Start today by letting go of the limited points of view about money that do not serve your best interests. It’s not intelligence or lack of education that holds you back from being prosperous and wealthy, it’s the limited points of view about money that keep you struggling to survive in a world of infinite possibilities. If you want to have generative wealth, you have to be willing to destroy and uncreate your limited points of view about money.

So what is it you are not willing to let go of, absolutely unwilling to let go of, that if you let go of it, would allow you to generate so much money that nothing mattered to you?

When it comes to money, the best advice is to always look at it from choice, possibility, awareness and prosperity consciousness. Never look at money from a fear and scarcity point of view.